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贴近Press: 探秘近义表达——close to英语短句举例大全

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贴近,press close to

1)press close to贴近

1.In order topress close to the masses, should make public to comprehend the scientists who in the frontier of science and technology.要使科技传媒贴近广大群众,就要寓教于乐,让广大群众了解身处科技前沿的科学家;要让应邀嘉宾与广大观众互动,产生共鸣;还要巧妙设计情节,活跃节目气氛;更要推陈出新,不断满足广大群众的需求。


1.Put the receiver closer to your mouth, please .请把话筒贴近嘴边点儿。

2.He applied his eye to the microscope.他把眼睛贴近显微镜。

3.next his heart -- or next his stomach, possibly,那是贴近他心脏的地方??也许是贴近他的胃部,

4.Heightening the Actual Effect of Teenagers’Moral Education: Reflection and Practice;贴近实际贴近生活贴近未成年人关于增强青少年德育实效性的探索实践

5.The Analysis of Actuality and Strategy on "Press Close to Life and Community" in the Middle School Chemistry Teaching;中学化学教学中体现“贴近生活,贴近社会”理念的现状与对策分析

6.Research on the Value and Strategy of the Idea Adjoin Life and Society of Senior Chemistry Teaching;高中化学教学“贴近生活、贴近社会”的价值与策略研究

7.The effective usage of social resources:an inevitable options for higher vocational education to be close to society and market;有效利用社会资源:高等职业教育贴近社会贴近市场的必然选择

8.The Close-Degree of Concept Lattice and Attribute Reduction Algorithm Based on It概念格的贴近度及基于贴近度的概念格属性约简算法

9.Popular Books on Architecture -Reviewonpublicationofcontemporaryarchitectureculturebook;贴近大众的建筑书——近观当代建筑文化图书出版

10.An Interactive Multi-Objective Decision-Making Based on Relative Closeness一种基于相对贴近度的交互式决策法

11.Generalized Closeness Degree and Database-based Diagnosis Expert System广义贴近度与诊断专家数据库系统

12.the closeness to nature and the gentle pace of living.贴近大自然的环境和悠闲的生活节奏。

13.As first he thought very little about anything but immediate things.最初他很少想到贴近自己以外的东西。

14.The child nestled up against him and murmured a few words.那孩子贴近他身边, 轻声说了几句话。

15.Something immediate, as in importance.最贴近的东西,如在重要性方面

16.no loving face to bend pityingly over him也没有慈爱的面孔贴近他来表示惋惜。

17.I can see the price on the lable clearly when I stooped to it.我把眼贴近标签才能看清上面的标价。

18.People think that cowboys are in dose touch with nature.人们认为牛仔生活贴近大自然。


To be in close proximity.紧贴,贴近


4)Close rate贴近率

5)Approach degree贴近度

1.Fuzzy approach degree-based research on occurrence of karstic collapse基于模糊贴近度的岩溶塌陷易发性研究

2.Based on the conceptions of approach degree and weight distance, an improved model is developed for assessing the atmospheric environment quality in Urumqi, Xinjiang, in this paper.运用模糊集理论中的贴近度和权距离概念建立了一种改进的大气环境质量评价模型 ,并应用该模型对乌鲁木齐大气环境质量进行了评价 ,结论与事实相符

3.In this paper, the distribution type can be judged conveniently from a group of test data with approach degree theory in Fuzzy mathematics.本文利用模糊数学中的贴近度原理,根据一组观测数据,方便地判断出其分布类型。

6)closeness degree贴近度

1.Synthetical condition assessment of long span suspension bridge based oncloseness degree and FAHP;基于贴近度与模糊层次分析的大跨悬索桥综合状态评估(英文)

2.Conceptual design of relays based on the theory of fuzzycloseness degree;基于模糊贴近度的继电器产品概念设计新方法

3.And,the concept ofcloseness degree of fuzzy mathematics was used to compute the distance between the life cycle cost/effectiveness and the ideal point/negative ideal point.选择优化理论中的理想点法对鱼雷武器系统的寿命周期费用与效能作评估,同时对于寿命周期费用和效能这2个模糊数,采用模糊数学中贴近度的概念来估算不同方案的费用和效能与模糊的理想点和负理想点之间的距离。



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