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新贡献:探索new contribution在英语短句中的应用及例句大览

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新贡献,new contribution

1)new contribution新贡献

1.A Comment on Comrade Deng Xiaoping s New Contributions to the Dialectical Negation;简论邓小平对辩证否定观的新贡献

2.Jiang Zemin snew contribution to the Party s building;江泽民对执政党建设的新贡献

3.The New Contribution of the Third Generation of Leading Collective to Marxist Theory of Science&Technology;论第三代领导集体对马克思主义科技学说的新贡献


1.The Contribution Degree of BPO to the Capability of Independent Innovation;业务流程外包对自主创新贡献度研究

2.Hu Jin-tao s New Contribution to Marxism Sinicization;胡锦涛对马克思主义中国化的新贡献

3.DENG Xiao-ping s New Contributions to Marxist Mass Viewpoints;邓小平对马克思主义群众观的新贡献

4.JIANG Ze-min s New Contribution to the "Man s Fully Development" Theory;江泽民对“人的全面发展”理论的新贡献

5.The contemporary contribution of The Communist Party of China to the development theory of society;中国共产党对社会发展理论的新贡献

6.New Contributions by the Third Generation of Central Leadership of Communist Party of China;第三代中央领导集体对外开放新贡献

7.On Den Xiaoping s New Contribution to Mao Zedong s Thought of Moral Education;论邓小平对毛泽东德育思想的新贡献

8.The act of devoting or the state of being devoted.贡献行为或贡献的状况.

9.This new discovery will contribute to all humanity.这个新发现将对全人类作出贡献。

10.Novels of Duplicate Accent: The Outstanding Contribution of "Story Newly Organized";复调小说:《故事新编》的杰出贡献

11.On Lin Shu s Contribution to May 4th New Culture Movement of 1919;论林纾对“五四”新文化运动的贡献

12.Estimation the Contribution of High-Tech to Economic Growth;经济增长中高新技术贡献的测度分析

13.Deng Xiaoping and New Liberated District Policy;论邓小平在“新区政策”制定上的贡献

14.On Zhou Zuo-ren s contribution to "New Poetry" Theories in his early phase;论周作人早期对新诗理论建设的贡献

15.To Create by Returning to the Origin:Pan Shu s Psychological Thought And it s Historical Contribution;返本开新:潘菽心理学思想的历史贡献

16.Contribution of Zhang Chao s“Yuchuxunzhi”to the“Yuchu”Genre;论张潮《虞初新志》对“虞初体”的贡献

17.Develop Agricultural Mechanization to Offer up for New Country Construction;发展农业机械化 为新农村建设作贡献

18.The Primary Contributions of PRC to the Development of International Law;初论新中国对国际法发展的主要贡献


new contributions新贡献

1.A Brief Comment on the Chinese Peace-oriented Foreign Policy and its New Contributions;略论新时期中国和平外交政策的新贡献

2.In the report more emphasis is put on the "anticorruption construction",which not only embodies the Party s new thinking and new breakthrough to the anticorruption work,but also represents the Party snew contributions to the theory and practice of anticorruption work.将"反腐倡廉建设"放在更加突出位置,它不仅体现了我们党在反腐倡廉工作方面的新信息、新思路、新突破,也是对反腐倡廉理论与实践的新贡献。

3.Deng Xiaoping snew contributions on methodology is comprehensive and systematic.邓小平在方法论上的新贡献是全面的、系统的。

3)making the new contribution做出新贡献

4)three new contributions三个新贡献

5)the new contribuition of Jiang Ze min江泽民的新贡献

6)contribution rate of technology innovation技术创新贡献率


《美国人对世界文明的五大贡献》美国作家查尔斯•威廉•埃利奥特 的作品,本书收录了19世纪末20世纪初美国各届知名人士的十三篇散文,其中有著名教育家查尔斯•威廉•埃得奥特所写的《美国人对世界文明的五大贡献》,有著名作家约翰•巴勒斯所写的《蜜蜂赞歌》,有汉密顿•马堡的《鳕鱼岬上的忒奥克里托斯》以及亨利•詹姆斯的《法国戏剧》等等。内容涉及历史、政治、自然风光、心理、文学以及思想等方面,论述深刻,描绘细致,寓严谨的知识于通俗的叙述中,为读者展开了一幅19世纪末20世纪初美国社会生动画卷。

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  1. 彬彬2024-02-12 16:19彬彬[江苏省网友]
    真的受益匪浅!这篇文章让我对new contribution的含义有了清晰的认识。
  2. 越篱采薇2024-02-12 16:15越篱采薇[香港网友]
    感谢分享,让我对new contribution有了更深入的理解。
  3. 荷塘清月2024-02-12 16:12荷塘清月[陕西省网友]
  4. 陌简言2024-02-12 16:08陌简言[上海市网友]
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