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文化生命: 英语短句与例句大全

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文化生命,cultural life

1)cultural life文化生命

1.By expounding the concept of cultural psychology from the perspective of its logical configuration, this thesis advances the view thatcultural life is the very impetus to all cultural functions.本文认为 :“文化心理”是“指一定人类文化经由个人、群体、民族心理世界的功能性习知、承传与创设等的历史与现实的交互活动”,并从概念本身的逻辑建构层层展开论述 ,提出了“文化生命”是一切文化功能根本驱动力的核心观点。

2.The natural science researches into human natural life and the relation between man and nature, social science the relation between man and society, but the study of humancultural life forms humanities.自然科学探讨的是人的自然生命及人与自然的联系,社会科学探讨的是人与社会的联系,而对人的文化生命的研究,则形成了人文科学。

3.With the guidance ofcultural life and spiritual substance, he focuses on the period of time ranging from the Period of Chunqiu and the Warring States Period to the West and the East Han Dynasties, and then he expounds the academic thoughts in different stages.在牟先生的学思历程中,历史哲学属于融贯中西的人文研究之伟构,他的历史哲学不是一般的历史,而是中国文化精神的历史表现,是中国历史精神的哲学揭示,他以文化生命和充实其间的精神实体为核心,所关涉的时代着重在上古、春秋战国至两汉,其后进一步向里疏通历史各阶段的学术思想,其意义在于理清中华文化之源,畅通中华历史发展中的郁结,以昂扬文化时代精神,探寻中国文化的现实出路。


1.Seek the Root of Culture Life--Reading Yu Qiuyu s essay from human culture;寻求文化生命之根——从文学人类学角度看余秋雨散文对文化的观照

2.A Study of Pupil Culture in the Angle of Student Life Development;学生生命发展视阈下的学生文化研究

3.The Humanistic Significance on Vitality Criticism of Literature Theory in Tang Dynasty;试论唐代文论生命化批评的人文意蕴

4.Cultural Basis of Life Awareness and Choice of Life Education;生命意识的文化底蕴与生命教育的抉择

5.On the evolution of life culture of the traditional Chinese paper-making process论中国传统造纸工艺文化的生命演化

6.Caring for Life: Pearl S.Buck and Chinese Reproductive Culture;生命的关照:赛珍珠与中国生育文化

7.The Symbolic Meaning of the Date Jujube Culture of Northern Shaanxi;陕北红枣文化的生殖与生命象征意义

ents on Xia Ying s Cultural Prose;生命的感悟 精致的美文——评夏影的文化散文

9.Culture Expounded by Life --Culture revealed in Laoshe’s Novels;用生命诠释文化——浅谈老舍小说的文化意蕴

10.Energetic Life and Profound Cultural Connotation--On the Life Consciousness in Zhou Tao s Prose;饱满的生命激情 深邃的文化内涵——论周涛散文中的生命意识

11.A Study on Barefoot Doctor in Fujian during the Great Cultural Revolution;“文化大革命时期”福建赤脚医生研究

12.Life-Aesthetics and Construction of Chinese Contemporary Aesthetics Culture;生命美学与中国当代审美文化的建构

13.The Personality Discussion of Junior Student s Semi-topic Composition;初中生“半命题”作文的个性化探讨

14.The Cultural Philosophy s Nature and its World Outlook and Life Outlook;文化哲学的性质及其世界观和生命观

15.The Image of Afant: Symbol of Life,Culture,and Aesthetic Beauty;阿凡提形象:生命、文化、审美的符号

16.On the Traditional Idealistic resource of Lu Xun’s consciousness of life;道家文化:鲁迅生命意识的传统资源

17.The Love and Death One Is Touching;爱与死的缠绵——《边城》的生命文化探析

18.The Influences of Chu and Huai Culture on the Formation of the Taoist View of Life;论楚淮文化对道家生命观形成的影响


life culture生命文化

1.People are often hoodwinked by the plot of its surface layer,neglecting the enthusiasm and hope tolife culture contained among them.《边城》历来被误读为爱情悲剧,人们常被它表层的情节叙述所蒙蔽,而忽略了其中所蕴藏的作者对生命文化的热情和希望。

2.To acquire the genuine sustainable development, man must assimilatelife culture essence from all kinds of ideology to construct individual life awareness and inspire people to pay attention to and esteem life so as to form healthy life awareness through constructinglife culture, cultivating of viewpoint about life value and ethic, education of life emotion and will.人类要获得真正意义上的可持续发展,必须从各种思想中汲取生命文化的精华,构建个体的生命意识;通过生命文化建设、生命价值伦理观的培育、生命情感与意志教育,激励人们注重生命、尊重生命,形成健康的生命意识。

3)life relatedness of literature文学生命化

4)cultural unity文化生命体

1.Natural environment, historical context and man, the creator of culture make up the trinity ofcultural unity, among which culture is the soul, man is the creator and natural environment, historical context and man are the carrier of culture.自然生境、历史意境和创造该文化的人构成了三位一体的文化生命体,其中文化是其灵魂,人是其创造者,自然生境、历史意境及人是文化的载体。

5)the life cycle of culture文化生命周期

6)life-culture system生命文化体系

1.From the perspective of systematology,it is a novel mindset based on newlife-culture system.从系统论的角度看,后现代主义营销在理念系统上表现为一种新的生命文化体系;在要素集成上体现为一群体验模块的整合体;在技术系统上体现为一项战略性、技术性交互的实践组合。



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